Technical Articles

Pesquera de Duero inaugurates a new Drinking Water Treatment Plant, executed by Aguambiente
150 150 Aguambiente

The last 20th of January took place the inauguration of the new plant to supply water to the town of Pesquera de Duero. The project was fully implemented by Aguambiente. With this new plant…

Aguambiente, supply, purification and maintenance of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of Pesquera de Duero
150 150 Aguambiente

Public Corporation for the Environment (Somacyl) awarded the construction of water infrastructure and water treatment supplies for the Pesquera de Duero town in Valladolid. Once completed the construction works and after undertaking the implementation…

Aguambiente awarded the contract to supply and purification of Pesquera de Duero
150 150 Aguambiente

Public Corporation for the Environment (Somacyl) has awarded the construction of water infrastructure and water treatment supplies for the Pesquera de Duero town in Valladolid, these works have been awarded to Aguambiente for an amounting to…