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October 2009

Aguambiente, S.L. gets the classifications IO6A, IO9A and K08E
150 150 Aguambiente

On 27 October 2009, Aguambiente, S.L. company is registered as a building contractor in the Official Register of Companies classified with the classifications: I06A: low voltage distribution. I09A: Electrical installations without specific qualification.…

Aguambiente specialist in wastewater treatment in Expobioenergia’09
150 150 Aguambiente

One more edition Aguambiente, S.L. specialist in wastewater treatment plants, company would like to thank the visitors received at the stand of the 4th Edition of Expobioenergia 2009. Among the projects of Aguambiente, S.L.…

WWTP, wastewater treatment plant the CIC
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente, S.L. has made the project and carried out the building of the Wastewater Treatment Plant the CIC in Segovia (Spain). The WWTP try to give a correct treatment to the waste…

Expobioenergía 2009 technology fair in bioenergy, global leader
150 150 Aguambiente

October 21, 22 and 23 in the International Trade Fair of Valladolid take place the 4th Edition of EXPOBIONERGÍA’09 one of the most important events of the year at international level…

Aguambiente specialist in wastewater treatment in Technical Days of Oil Sector 2009
150 150 Aguambiente

The day 7 and 8 of October has been the TECHNICAL DAYS OF OIL SECTOR 2009 in the `Palacio de Congresos de Madrid´. AGUAMBIENTE S.L. has participated in this event with one conference…